Minutes 1.9.23
SPDC Minutes
Attendance: Lauren Schimko, Mari Morrison Rodriquez, Laurrie Cozza, Ellie Kassner, Eric Kassner, Rocky Alexander, Erol Knight, Liz Reilly, Donna Lennane, Tom Lennane, Barbara Hart, George Potanovic, Jackie Spring, Joe Spring, Joyce Fine, Ryan Feeney, Ed Andrews, Bob Burns, Suzanne Mantin, Pete Reilly
1. Presentation by Rocky Alexander and Mari Morrison Rodriguez representing the NR Chamber of Commerce. Three major points: 1. More creativity by Town officials to bring tourists to SP. 2. Make it easier to start and maintain a small business in SP. EX. SP Brewery is in West Haverstraw becasue of obstacles in SP. 3. More avenues for small business input into Town decision making.
2. Presentation by George Potanovic representing SPACE regarding the CHPe power line. Summary: 1. Start date unclear. Could be July. 2. How long will the project take? 3. How disruptive will the project be? 4. If the plan is disruptive is there a plan to help small businesses? 5. Are there environmental/health issues involved? 6. When the streets are remediated will the public or business have input?
3. Planning Discussion.
Send Pete names to consider as candidates. We’ll vote on slate of candidates at our February meeting. Petioning starts March 1st.
Draft Google Document will be circulated. Sign up for items you would like to work on.
Adjourned: 8:30pm