Minutes 10.10.22
SPDC Meeting
October 10, 2022
7:05 - 7:10 Finance Report - Kim ($200 from Eric & Avis, $800 from Rockland County Dems)
7:10 - 7:15 Fundraising Group - Liz, Kim, Avis, Donna, Laurrie
++ We need a leader of this group. Neeed to start planning for a Holiday Party & Fundraiser.
7:15 - 7:30 Campaign Update - Ellie - Positions
Pete Saturday Canvass - Thanks for “Bagging” & “Leafleting”
Sunday Brunch
SIgns - Michelet Zamor, Town taking them down, put up new signs, and 4x4’s locations. Maloney- Lawler debate
Also - Leaning into the issue of Transparency based on last night’s horrible presentation by the developer which included pulling the plug on questions and answers.
7:30 - 7:35 Outreach Group - Pete
Working hard to enlarge the Dem community.
Have contacted the NAACP regarding members living in Stony Point (11%), Create or connect with a Hispanic Caucus. (20%).
Need an avenue to younger people. Difficult because of raising families.
7:35 - 7:40 Green Energy Consortium Update - Diane Cuellar Ellie has taken this up as an issue.
We’ll be helping this inititiave after the election.
7:40 - 7:45 Letchworth Referendum -
SPU holiding a meeting on Sunday morning 9:30am at the Patriot Grille.
7:45 - New Business - Hunters work on business cards. Free if generic. Pay personalized.