Minutes 8.3.22
Stony Point Democratic Committee Meeting
August 3rd, 2022
Rho Building
Attendance: Pete Reilly, Steve Adler, Danica Adler, Donna Lennane, Tom Lennane, Mari Morrison Rodriquez, Della Wells, Diane Cuellar, Mike Diederich, Ellie Kassner, Laurrie Cozi, Elaine Annunziata, Alan Levin, (Zoom Attendees - Kim Petro, Russ Petro, Hunter Petro, Ed Andrews, ???
7:00-7:10 Introductions
7:10 - 7:30 Chris Eachus introduced himself and answered questions.
7:30 - 7:35 Chair Report - Pete called on the group to reach out to friends and family to expand the circle of people who are participating. Two main goals of the committee are to build a human infrastructure that is capable of affecting change and electing our candidates. We have ideas for Food Drive, Blood Drive, Aid to Ukraine, Farmer’s Market, regularly scheduled Town Halls, but presently we don’t have enough people to make them happen.
Finance Report - Kim reported that we have approximately $2500 in our account.
7:35 - 7:45 Fundraising Group - Kim reports that we need to sell 26 more tickets for our Penguin Fundraiser. Donna and Tom have donated a case of wine for the pre-show event.
7:45 - 7:50 Outreach Group - Pete reported that we have 500 new Democratic registrations in Stony Point since 2020. He has the emails of about 150 of them. Jackie Spring has collected about 300 names and addresses of new residents over the same period. Pete has been attending fundraisers in other towns and villages to make contacts and build relationships. He has been reaching out to key people individually to get them involved with our group. Once again, our capacity for outreach events is limited by the number of people we have to make them happen.
7:50 - 8:00 Campaign Report - Ellie reported that she is working on getting her signs and palm cards ready. She has also been active in working to oppose the Floating River and Rail Brownfield zonning change. She has been in touch with the County Planning Board and Scenic Hudson among others. She encouraged everyone to turnout for the 8.9 Town Board meeting where there will be a public hearing on the proposed zoning change.
8:00 - 8:15 George Petanovic spoke about the Floating River and Rail Brownfield Zone, the sale of Letchworth, the need for a new Master Plan, and the lack of transparency of the present Town Board.
8:15 - 8:30 Diane Cuellar gave an update on the Green Energy Consortium. Initial Rockland municipalities that joined two years ago saved $6 million. Stony Point Supervisor refuses to allow a presentation on the project. Advocates are pursuing an online petition to show Town leaders that there is significant interest in the project. The goal is 600 signatures.
8:30 - 8:35 Pete reminds group that electing Ellie can make a huge difference in how the Town is governed.
8:35 Adjourned