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SPDC Minutes 6.29.2022

Stony Point Democratic Committee

June 29, 2022

In Attendance:

Pete Reilly, Liz Reilly, Steve Adler, Danica Adler, Kim Petro, Russ Petro, Hunter Petro, Donna Lennane, Tom Lennane, Della Wells, Alan Wells, Jackie Spring, Joe Spring, Elaine Annunziata, Ursula Scheider, Ed Andrews, Patti Crescenzo, Eleanor Madora, Rick Siggelkow, Ellie Kassner, Lauren Schimko, Avis Kassner, Diane Cuellar, Hollis Griffin

Meeting Started 7:05

AIdan Body, Congressman Sean Maloney’s Campaign Manager, spoke on behalf of the Congressman and answered questions. Questions ranged from how would the Congressman handle constituent services, major differences with his opponent, whether he could effect local zoning laws, help businesses get established in areas like Stony Point. Questions regarding mass transportation, housing, and support for education and women’s rights was also brought up by committee members.

Chair Report: The Stony Point Democratic Committee, thanks to Steve Adler, is now recording and broadcasting every Town Board meeting. We’re in talks with NYS Senator Pete Harckham and Congressman Maloney about a ‘meet and greet’ in Stony Point. Dates to be determined. A committee member shared a story of being threatened in a local deli. Several other members recounted similar harassment at local businesses. The vitriol and anger that we see nationally is present in Stony Point. We need to be aware of it and do what we can to remember that we’re neighbors not enemies. 

Treasurer’s Report: Balance remains at approximately $2700.

Fundraising Report: Liz Reilly & Donna Lennane, who is on the Penguin Board, explained that there are three plays to choose from. We can buy tickets at a discounted price of $20 and sell them for the face value of $40 or increase the price to $50. It seems like the most tickets we can get are 70. We can raise $1500-$2000 this way. Liz and the team will pick a date and let us know. Each of us will have to sell or buy 2-3 tickets.

Donna also mentioned that the owner of the Penguin, Joe, is setting aside 10 free tickets for the Democratic Committee for the opening night of the first play.

Donna, Liz and Steve Adler are also working on dates for a music event at the Penguin in late summer or Fall.

Laurrie has a contact in Sparkhill that might be willing to work with us on a fundraiser. She’ll follow up with Liz, Kim, and Avis.

Outreach Report: Jackie Spring reached out to the County Clerk and got a list of 139 homes that were sold in Stony Point since January 1st of 2022. This list doesn’t list their political party. We are going to put together a packet for each with voter information (from how to register, how to switch from voting place from your former location, web sites for the political parties, candidates, and voting and registration timelines, etc.) 

Pete reached out to Kathy Pientanza at the BOE and got a list of more than 500 new Democratic voting registrations since 2020. We’re adding that information to our contact list and we will cross reference the names with the addresses that Jackie received from the County Clerk. These new registrants and residents may make the difference in November.

Campaign Report: Ellie, Rick Siggelkow and Frank Vitale have shot a introductory video for Ellie’s campaign. It will be a good way for people to get to know her. Ellie also spoke at the Roe Rally in New City over the weekend. She will be finalizing print material over the next week. Ellie answered questions about the sale of Letchworth Village and the expansion of Rose Memorial Library.

Community Energy Report - Diane Cuellar presented information on the Community Energy Project which 5 communities in Rockland have joined. This is 100% renewable energy at a fixed price, below or at, current brown energy pricing. These communities have saved millions of dollars while reducing their carbon footprint. Individuals can opt out at any time without penalty. The Town won’t allow a presentation on this opportunity. Ideas for pressuring the Town Board ranged from speaking to the Seniors at the Rho building, having a large contingent speak at the Town Board meeting, holding a town hall presentation to provide information to residents. Diane will provide a link to the website with all the informaton, as well as her contact information. At a future meeting we’ll have a representative present the project in more detail.

Letchworth Sale Report: 495 units, many of them multifamily. There could be more that 1,000 people moving onto the 30 acres. Very dense community. Units range from $500K-$800K. Pete spoke at the Board meeting asking if there will be more information available. The Town intends to hold several informational meetings on the sale. At present we don’t have enough information to come out for or against the proposal. There are many questions to be answered. Chief among them “Is selling the only option for the property?” “Will this negatively effect our golf course?” etc. The Town Board is entering into an MOU with the company and there will be a referendum on the ballot in November. The Seniors will be moved from Rho to the unfinished side of the Clubhouse.

Rose Library Project: Hollis, a trustee of Rose Memorial, described the project and answered questions. Right now, they are working on actual numbers and will get back to us with more detail. They will apply for grants to help offset the cost of the project and try to minimize the costs to residents as much as they can.

Miscellaneous: Hunter advised the group of a political event taking place on Thursday and asked for volunteers.

Endorsement: The committee discussed the two Congressional candidates and voted to endorse Sean Maloney for Congress.

Meeting Adjourned: 9:05PM

Submitted by,

Steve Adler

Recording Secretary/Coressponding Secretary

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